Database Immersive Visual Analysis
User manual
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
1.1 Area of usage
1.1.1 Query building
1.1.2 DB structure analysis
1.1.3 DB showcase
1.2 DDL format
2. System requirements
3. Visualization modes
4. Database 3D representation
4.1 Layer
4.2 Column
4.3 Navigation
4.3.1 Circular layer mouse controls
4.3.2 Square layer mouse controls
4.4 Square layer model
5. Relation analyzer
6. 2.5D mode
6.1 Legend
6.2 Navigation
6.3 List of tables
7. 2D mode
7.1 Field markings
7.2 Navigation
7.3 Print
8. GUI
8.1 Full table info
8.2 Zoom gauge
8.3 Search
9. Menu
9.1 System menu
9.2 Edit menu
9.3 Help screen
9.4 About screen
9.5 Options
10. DB examples
11. Free and commercial version
12. VR version
13. FAQ
14. Authors
15. Contacts
[1. Introduction]